
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lewis and Clark expedition - the appropriate care led to survival and success

Historians compare it to the moon, the Lewis and Clark expedition of 1804-1806 in the west, landing astronauts on the first day is today. The service was very difficult and, accordingly, are similar. But back to the Commission delivered 30 tons of hazardous journey of 28 months from discovery to the Pacific Ocean, has been a great success.

In particular, the ready-made gifts, which see the local tribes to meet the locals go. The otherThe provisions for the survival "of the defense, navigation, commerce, entertainment, drugs and documents which are summarized below, also helped to succeed. Some of these tools are listed below.

Astronaut Pen


Lewis and Clark expedition - the appropriate care led to survival and success

Space Shuttle Space Pen Review

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  • Writes upside down, underwater and in zero-gravity!
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Product Overview

This Fisher Space Pen features a chrome plated cap and Space Shuttle imprint on its black plastic barrel. Perfect for students and space fans alike, it uses the same the technology that permits its use in space. Used on all manned NASA space flights, the Fisher Space Pen is unconditionally guaranteed to give outstanding service both here on Earth and in space.

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The spine is 55 m (type shallow draft of the load), the expectation of 12 tons and 32 meters and 35 square sail mast rudder / Auctions Two pirogues (flat-leaf-shaped boat and a small mast and sail the hollow square) has a 41-m red and 39 inches The 4.5 mx 36 timesShip-mounted metal frame covered with leather and later in the trip.

As the ridge was too high for most of the upper Missouri and other rivers in St. Louis has been in the works in progress and written reports to spring the 1805th E ", a skeleton crew was staying. The boat frame Metal has never been used because it is not a natural forest Frames E. " was rejected for a cache near Great Falls lost, Montana. The body coverCanoe seat.

The animals of the spine). (Horse riding in the country in half and help pull in a large Newfoundland Retriever (dog personal "name of Lewis, Seaman, supports efforts to make the game, and the night guarding the camp).

navigation and scientific instruments. surveyor compass, compass in hand, telescopes, quadrants, sextants, thermometers, level, clock, magnets, microscopes, coils of line, parallel glass (for readingHorizon), Kent Chamber of instruments and equipment for storage and protection of animals and cultures of Indian artifacts.

Camping. Screens with oil, seal oil, nine tents, lanterns, as steel flue 30, Flint, mills, spoons, cups, water bottles, fishing gear , design, knives, mills, soap, cooking utensils / dishes (metallic copper kettle / pans, dishes), gear, blankets, mosquito nets, rope / cord / cableheavy needle and thread, a hook on the violin, flags, drums (bass drum), wooden boxes, barrels, bags, oil, lamps / lanterns, candle wicks, wax, candles, a box of equivalent friction and a member of staff by staff (not officially supported a bunch of songs and fun).

Gifts of strains (21 balls). Mirrors, sewing needles to the situation, punches, needles, small scissors, thread, thimble, ribbons, buttons, scissors, combs in ivory board,burning mirror / expansion, bells, parcels Chiefs (high quality), coins, brooches, rings, handkerchiefs, cotton shirts, colorful textiles / fabrics, curtain rings, brass wire, coils or twists of tobacco , axes, tomahawks, pipes, brass boiler knives, mills, brass bands, transmission, bright red powder makeup, earrings, bracelets, 33 pounds of glass beads, colored American flag and the adapted peace medals, certificates. The Corps also other concepts dealing with the tribes,including personal equipment, weapons and ammunition are scarce.

Tools (all kinds). Pliers, chisels, hand saws, cut deep, two loggers saws, hatchets, axes, scrapers, blades, planing, cutting tools, drills, hand drills, grinding wheels, hammers, nails, square chains, files / rasps, anvil and bellows of a blacksmith with forged tools, level, tape measure, a number of the English wood, golden scales, weight, iron, fat / oil mill iron.

TravelPalisade built a solid two winter camps: 1) Fort Mandal, North Dakota, 1804, and 2) Fort Clatsop, Oregon Coast, the 1805th They also built cars for the carriage of goods by waterfalls and rapids, and navigate several sheds / boat burned on the rivers and streams.


Menu forty days (on board), 0.1200 pounds parchmeal, 800-lb common meal 1600 pounds of shelled corn, 3,400 pounds of flour, biscuit mix Pound-560, 750 pounds of salt3700 pounds of bacon, 50 kg of coffee, tea, 2 pounds, 100 pounds of dried beans / peas, 112 pounds of sugar, salt, 750 pounds, 100 pounds of lard, 600 lb-fat cooking, wine, whiskey 30 - 120 gal gal Mix (the point of no return), 193-pound portable soup (pasta, cooked down meat, eggs, vegetables). Portable soup is only as a last resort when no other food available to eat.

He won on the road. Fruits (apples, cherries, raspberries, plums, grapes, raisins, papaya), vegetables(Squash, greens, melons, leeks / onions, licorice root, artichokes, root, wappatos, white potato), meat (several hundreds of fish / salmon, deer, elk, bison, antelope, bighorn sheep of America, bears, beavers, otters, ducks / Goose / Brant coot / plover, partridge, pheasant, turkey, squirrel, rabbit, wolf, dog, and a colt / horse), and exchanged bear fat. E 'was estimated in 2000 the bodies of birds and land animals for their meat and skins has been a small amount, like a huge animal populationMore.

clothing. flannel / Extra linen shirts, jackets, suits, shoes, boots, pants and dresses, blankets, backpacks, socks and a pair of currencies. After the trip, the crew made her buckskin moccasins and clothing, if they were on their own and traded the natives.

Ammunition. / Brass arm gun (pivot mounted on the vessel at the bow of the keel), trumpets, four (Big Shot: a keelboat and one mounted on each side of theEach room), nose-1803 Model 15 .54 caliber flintlock rifle slings, four pistols, swords espontoons various (gun sticks like spears / suspended), 500 musket, rifle parts, 420 - police bullets lead page 200 pounds packed into containers / lead powder, powder horns and bags / hunter knives, outdoor tubular, long gun, and personnel, weapons and guidance of the team, there including LewisDueling pistols. The castle is the first demonstration of the strains and show that hunting is not small.

Medicine / Medical. (City / Pine Walnut cases) 600 Dr. Rush pills (laxatives), hand (knife), tweezers (forceps), syringes, tourniquets, small medical and dental instruments, bleeding, cans, glass bottles sealed Dye, Box 1300 Physics (catharsis), 1100 doses of anti-emetic (vomiting), 3500 boxesother drugs, diaphoretic (sweat inducer) and laudanum (opium tincture) of mercury, nitrate salts, pulverized bark, herbs, ointments and other salts, blisters, sores, pain / pain, injury, burns , worms, and increased saliva and urine production.

Books. Botany, history, mineralogy, astronomy, marine science, a calendar, a dictionary is large, the Linnaean classification of the plant, the necessary tables of longitude and latitude, and the initial map of MissouriRiver.

Write / write. Pencil, pen, ink, ink brass, pencils, drafting / mapping tools, including leather writing journals, stationery and paper, design brochures input / things bags oil store disks, cartridges for writing at night, and wax.

These stocks have led to many problems when the huge mass in the Pacific with great success. But while in the winter, near the mouth of the Columbia RiverConsumer and trade has disappeared. Was part of the

consumed on the road behind a cache of the trip, if not injured exchanged with the Indian tribes.

In particular, the short, colored beads, which are often measured in local tribes. So I swapped their uniforms and clothing with metal buttons on the left. They started their own salt from seawater In short, the rules would be for their journey home much more oftenWhat remains is one of the outputs.

Since this situation is uncertain, the army rationed their supplies on the way home. You'll probably visit some strains can be prevented. Then, after returning to the plains of North Dakota, where winter was the former stronghold, and you can choose one of the interpreter and his wife, Sacagawea. Besides the cash payment to them, gave them his body was no longer necessary, forgingTransmission.

Shortly after, he gave the pistol, the brass ship's keel, a cache level had a leading company in the region, hoping to increase it again to the States. He extended the invitation. But I found another head, which accompany the body back with his family in St. Louis and the country.

collected Needless to say, except the skins of animals, the body much less back when they leave to be granted 28 months earlier.With hindsight, perhaps the West Coast camps and winter to return to the house, it would be better if you could download the tradable goods, while near the sea and the Columbia River, possibly with a foreign merchant ship.

Merchant ships landed there. State coastal tribes knew and have been with metal objects, guns forward model, and the sailor dress fitted. The bill, by Lewis, the government paid for these products has been signed. But fewShips, if any, he seemed so during their stay here in winter. More detailed information on preparations for this trip, you will find on these pages.

Lewis and Clark expedition - the appropriate care led to survival and success

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